Remote Pastoral Care

The pastoral team continues to support students in a number of different ways and in a seamless manner, whether face to face or remotely.  We recognise that the mental health and wellbeing of our students is now more important than ever and we ensure daily contact with students to support them emotionally as well as practically so that students stay safe, are healthy, enjoy school and achieve their potential.


During lockdown, the Junior and Pre-Prep class teachers have continued to oversee the pastoral care of the children within their classes. Invariably the class teacher is the key adult in all primary aged children’s life at school and these strong relationships are still at the core, even whilst remote. Class teachers are in daily contact with all of the children in their classes with live messaging services, online gatherings and phone calls when needed to rally, encourage and support. Alongside this, the Head of Junior School is in regular contact with individuals who need a bit extra. Equally, all of the services available to the older children are accessible to the younger pupils. 


Tutors and Heads of Year

Each student is supported by a Tutor and Head of Year. It cannot be stressed enough how important this relationship can be; each student has at least one member of staff whom she knows more deeply than just as a teacher so that she has someone to whom she can relate quickly, informally and unobtrusively. The Tutor is the first point of contact between home and school. 

Tutors and Heads of Year are accessible through our online platforms: Epraise or Microsoft Teams and email during normal school hours. Tutor group sessions are held with tutors as well as fun, social, virtual sessions. As part of our pastoral care, tutors are in contact with tutees individually and with their families through emails or phone calls when monitoring attendance, class work or pastoral support during holidays as well as term time. The pastoral team: Tutors, Heads of Year, the Pastoral Support Manager, Assistant Heads for Pastoral and Safeguarding are also available to contact daily.

Wellbeing Provision

As a part of our remote pastoral care the Wellbeing Team continue to keep in touch with students and parents offering daily or weekly catch up calls, as requested. Equally, guides and lists of wellbeing resources, websites, reading and apps have been sent to all students. Wellbeing packs on a wide range of issues have been created to support students and families and these are available on request. All students will receive a wellbeing guide for the summer holidays which allow students to work on the NHS’s ‘Five Ways to Wellbeing’. 

Counselling Provision

Any student who wishes to access remote counselling can be referred to our school counsellor via email to the Head of Year to request support and can be signposted to a number of external agencies. The counselling team will work remotely and continue to provide support using Microsoft Teams to both existing users of the service and to any new referrals over the coming months.


Mrs Caroline Leigh (Assistant Headteacher Pastoral and Co-curricular) oversees and coordinates the pastoral care within the school. She works with students, staff and parents/carers on all matters regarding behaviour & discipline, attendance and rewards. Mr Matthew Loosemore (Assistant Headteacher Safeguarding/Wellbeing) overseas child protection and safeguarding matters, wellbeing and links to outside agencies.