Good Schools Guide

The Good Schools Guide Review 2023

The last word – “This is a wonderful school full of intelligent, questioning, confident and kind girls who learn to fly on every level in this haven of calm, compassionate and creative education.

We were particularly struck by the individual focus and attention teachers were able to give each member of the class.

It is clear from the beginning of the junior school right up to the end of the sixth form that an enjoyment of learning is nurtured and that every girl’s experience has been calibrated to make it the best it can be for them individually. 

The sense of gratitude, genuine love and community that this pride in the school engenders are palpable.

Girls here are infused with a happy confidence, wonderfully open and chatty without a hint of arrogance and, despite persistent questioning, we couldn’t get a negative word out of them about the school.

A “gentle, kind and inclusive approach to teaching resonated in every classroom, together with a lovely culture of support.”

This is a school that both parents and girls fall head-over-heels in love with.

Pupils glow with effusive appreciation of the ‘amazing teachers, fantastic friends and the feeling that we can achieve whatever we want here’, all delivered in an environment of calm, nurturing and fun.

The majority of parents whom we spoke to had not gone out in search of a single-sex school but had been won over by the ‘ethos of friendliness, the intimate atmosphere and the culture of kindness’, all of which stood it apart from other schools in the area.

Junior school parents spoke of how the school provides ‘the most magical start to education’, praising the ‘fun, creative, caring and warm’ environment, describing their children as ‘utterly happy’ at the school.