Why Choose an All-Girls’ School?

We are regularly asked what the benefits of a single-sex education are and the obvious answer is the long standing and proven statistics of girls obtaining higher grades away from other social pressures. We are proud to be a member of the Girls’ School Association (GSA) and we empower our students by teaching them the way they naturally learn.

Let’s look at the statistics. Girls at GSA schools are more likely to study ‘difficult’ subjects such as Sciences, Maths and Languages. They are*:

  • 2.5 times as likely to take Further Maths and Physics at A-level
  • 40% more likely to take up Biology
  • 77% more likely to take up Chemistry
  • 72% more likely to take up Computer Science
  • Twice as likely as other girls to take French or Spanish at A-level.

The differentiating factor that separates us from other schools is that our students feel free from any stereotyping and can happily allow their intellectual and social confidence to flourish. Girls’ schools create environments where girls feel okay about taking charge and putting themselves forward.

All too often, girls’ schools are viewed from the outside as overtly old-fashioned or, even worse, academic hothouses – this couldn’t be further from the truth! We stand out from the crowd for our caring and nurturing nature, we know exactly what each individual requires and can adapt our timetables to fully meet those needs.

But there really is far more to it than just academic achievements. Maynard girls all possess a ‘can do’ attitude and show remarkable confidence to embrace every new challenge thrown at them.

It’s true that ‘real life’ is co-ed, but an all-girls education does not mean a single-sex life! At the end of a busy and fruitful school day, the door is open for our students to mix freely at home and in life generally, side-by-side with boys. And this, as all the statistics prove, makes for a more successful and socially competent girl than any other offering.

For more about the benefits of a single-sex education for your daughter, please visit:

You may also find these articles interesting:

Exam results show girls’ schools are producing pupils who aim for the sky – Telegraph Education

5 reasons to choose a girls’ school

Girls at single-sex schools outdo those in co-education – The Guardian

All girls’ schools succeed because sex stays out the way – The Mail

Girls do better in exams at all-girls schools than mixed, research finds – The Guardian

“I was convinced that co-ed schooling was the right choice for both my son and daughter but since Daisy has been at the Maynard I am a convert! Being a teenager in a single sex environment has allowed her to be totally at ease. She never once thinks she “can’t be seen” to be getting stuck into everything that is sent her way. My only sadness is there wasn’t a Maynard for boys near us!”

Emma Birkin, parent

*from DfE exam data – GSA girls compared with all girls in all schools