Adventure inspiration from Anna McNuff

Posted on March 26, 2019


We were truly fortunate to host the incredible Anna McNuff, explorer extraordinaire, for a fascinating and inspirational talk about her intrepid adventures to date. As a former GB rower who made the bold decision to give it all up on the basis that it wasn’t for her (even though her parents were Olympians) and then subsequently cycling through all 50 states of America ‘to clear her head and plan for the future’, she hasn’t stopped since!

Her remarkable tales of conquering every trough and peak in the Andes on a bike, to running the length of New Zealand, kept the audience riveted and several (adults and students) have come away planning their own mad challenges for the future – such is the motivational influence of a talk like this! Our thanks to Anna and best wishes for her forthcoming expedition later this year to run 100 back-to-back marathons through Britain, all barefoot.