The Pre-Prep and Junior School put on two cracking performances for their Nativity and Christmas Show on Thursday 7 and Friday 8 December 2017. Packed audiences on both days were treated to a wonderfully choreographed version of ‘The Little Red Robin’ by the Pre-Prep, while the girls in Years 3-6 sang their hearts out with a variety of Christmas songs to put everyone in the festive spirit.
Likewise, the girls in Year 6, Upper 3 and Lower 4 were fantastic ambassadors at the Lord Mayor’s Carol Service in Exeter Cathedral on Monday 4 December and our choral prowess continued with the Chamber Choir entertaining the crowds at the Darts Farm Indulgence Evening on Wednesday 6 December 2017.
A busy final week of term will include a Christingle service for the Junior School and Pre-Prep, Prize Giving at the Belmont Chapel for our 2017 leavers, a whole school festive lunch with all the trimmings, the annual Upper 4 Christmas cake exhibition and, of course, Christmas Jumper Day to wrap up another busy and successful term.