The Maynard ‘Girls into STEM’ day was a unique and inspiring event on Tuesday 14 November 2017. The engineering challenges and mathematical problems were hotly contested between the teams at the event, which comprised of 90 girls, including 40 from local schools. Indeed, such was the quality of their designs and the creativity and innovation of their solutions that it was very difficult to judge!
We were delighted to welcome Dr Juliette Jackson and Kate Purver, both expert Engineers, who delivered presentations on their varied and exciting careers. As part of our bespoke day we also welcomed PhD students Natalie Whitehead and Lauren Barr, who are both physicists at the University of Exeter, who offered valuable insight into studying STEM subjects at university.
We are passionate at promoting STEM careers to our students, and events like this are important parts of our comprehensive STEM programme, which also includes an Upper Three STEM Club, a Lego Robotics club, a Physics Film Makers Competition, Physics Olympiads, Physics Team Challenges, visits to the university to meet postgraduate students, opportunities for work experience with global Engineering giant Atkins, and a whole host of lectures which have recently included Helen Sharman and a NASA rocket scientist. With over 25% of our 2017 Sixth Form leavers choosing STEM courses at university, we are very proud of the work that we are doing in promoting these subjects.