The Maynard School community would like to extend a warm welcome to new Headmistress, Miss Sarah Dunn! Miss Dunn comes to us with over 30 years of experience within the education and sports sector and we all look forward to working with her in continuing The Maynard’s reign as the leading independent school for girls in the whole of the South West.
“It’s very exciting to finally start and, now I’m meeting the staff, parents and pupils, all the anticipation has faded away. What has been very striking is how easy it has been to find The Maynard as ‘home’. It has literally been only 24 hours because people have been so warm and welcoming which has made the transition delightful. At the moment, it is all about getting to know the girls and I’ll be spending the first three or four weeks trying to absorb myself in the whole Maynard experience – from joining them at lunch, watching their matches, observing lessons and generally starting to being a part of, and knowing, my school.”
We wish her all the luck at this very exciting time!