The entire Year Three in the Junior School particularly enjoyed their final Forest School session of the academic year which was themed to also combine their History topic. So they all dressed up as Celtic Warriors led by Queen Boudicca and had fun hiding from each other behind trees and in bushes, thinking of some clever ways to camouflage themselves from the enemy.
Sitting round the fire in the ’round house’ they discussed what life would have been like in the Iron Age whilst Mrs Davey provided toasted marshmallows and chocolate on skewers (perhaps not so authentic, but it wastheir last session, and the girls could use their imaginations…). Finally, Mr Smerdon was in for a shock as he did not expect the siege which ensued when the warriors invaded his office, with their brightly coloured shields protecting them just in case he retaliated!
Meanwhile, the girls in the Pre-Prep continue to enjoy their weekly Forest School sessions and fairies appear to be very much the theme for these year groups with many of the girls totally convinced they have seen not one, but several flitting through the bushes!